Archive for the ‘Flex’ Category

svn: This client is too old to work with working copy; please get a newer Subversion client

Friday, July 11th, 2008

I’ve bumped into this problem again – Subclipse was refusing to do anything (Share the project, update, commit, etc) with the source files.

It is appeared that the culprit was a Tortoise SVN – it is already built on subversion 1.5, while Subclipse is using 1.4.x.

The problem appears everytime when you do anything using newer client, like Tortoise SVN.  Newer client  leaves a different footprint, so Subclipse is getting upset with that fact.

To overcome the problem I’ve added subversione client into the Cygwin port – it is still some relatively old version (1.4.6-3). Then I checked out the project via cygwin version of svn.

It also helps when only a part of the source tree is damaged by a newer client, so you can simply overwrite these bits from an tree checked out using older version.  Just be sure to copy modified files to some safe location first.

UPD  The final solution is to upgdade to Subclipse >=1.4.2 as it is using Subversion 1.5.x. The problem will be completely fixed.

To do this you have to simply add new remote site in Eclipse:
Name: Subclipse 1.4.x (Eclipse 3.2+)

and remove the old one which refers to Subclipse 1.2.x.

The full installation instructions could be found here:

“She’ll be right!”

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Just after I wrote a previous post I realised that when Adobe is committed to bug fixing it does not bring much excitement as well.

My first bug submitted to Adobe was that one: the last comment on the page

Guess what happened in the next Flex2 hotfix? This bug was fixed. In the shortest period of time.
Was it mentioned in the Release Notes? No, it wasn’t.
As the result my app started to crash on List selection as if you process selected cells you have to rely on the order of indices.

ComboBox selection behavior was fixed in Flex3. Perfect!
Was it mentioned in the Release Notes? Nope. Crash, crash and one more crash!
Who cares?

Do you need to mention everything you fix in the Release Notes?
No. She’ll be right!

PS This is how losers do – they put every bug fixed in the Release Notes

This is so boring to read! It is much better to read some overexcited evangelist’s diary about new cool features.

[UPD] Looks like this thing bothers some other people as well.

Date & daylight savings

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Date class has a bug related to the daylight savings.

If you want to change the date using number of seconds it will cause a problem going over the dates when daylight savings change.


private var mydate:Date = new Date(2008, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0);

mydate = new Date (mydate.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)

mydate = new Date(mydate);

If it goes over the date when daylight savings is changed, instead of adding 24 hours it will add 23 or 25 hours (depending on the time of the year – summer or winter)

So, to do perform Date manipulation correctly you have to use date field, i.e.: +=1;

This method correctly handles the daylight savings and it will keep initial 00:00:00 time.


unselect in ComboBox

Monday, June 9th, 2008

If you need to unselect value in the ComboBox control, setting the

selectedIndex = -1

is not enough, you have to set

prompt = "something"

, otherwise it selects the first element. Despite

selectedIndex = -1

. Weird…